Getting Started with Synergy Vault

Getting Started with Synergy Vault

Synergy Vault is used to store versions and revisions of documents and can be used to manage reference links between documents such as an IronCAD scene and drawing reference. Synergy Vault can be used for any document type however there is more capabilities with IronCAD when using the IronCAD Synergy Client.

Managed Documents

The Synergy Vault functionality resides under the Managed Documents in the Synergy Platform. To access the Managed Documents, click on Documents -> Managed Documents. In this section, you can add folders and files using the tree navigation on the left or using the IronCAD Synergy Vault Client.

Adding a Folder

  • Click on an existing folder in the tree.
  • Click New Folder in the middle section of the page.

Adding a Document

  • Name: The file name of the document.
  • Description: A descriptive name for the document.
  • Version Number: Lists the current version number of the selected document.
  • State: The current design state of the document such as Design or Released.
  • File Size: The file size of the current document in KB.
  • Created By: Name of the user who added the document.
  • Creation Date: Date of when the document was added.
  • Modified By: Name if the user who last modified the document.
  • Modified Date: Date of the last modification of the document.
  • Checked Out By: Name of the user who has the document checked out.
  • Checked Out Computer: Computer name of where the document is checked out.
  • Local Path: Local path on the computer where the document is checked out.
  • Checked Out Date: Date of when the document was checked out.
  • Checked Out Comments: Comments added at the time of check out for reasons for the modification.

Operations Available for Documents

On the Details page, you will find a series of buttons on the right side for operations that can be performed in the web interface.

  • Download: Download a copy of the current document.
  • View: View the latest version of the document if there is a connected viewer for the file type.
  • Save: Save changes made to the details of the document like adding a description.
  • Check-out: Check-out the latest version of the document to make changes.
  • Check In: Check in a checked out version of the document.
  • Undo Check Out: Undo a check out operation of a document.
  • Release: Create a release state of the current document.
  • New Release: Create a new design state of a released file.
  • Delete: Delete the current document.
  • Move to Folder: Move the document to a different folder in the Managed Documents section.
  • Move to Unmanaged: Move the latest version of the document to the unmanaged document folders.

Reference Information

At the bottom of the document details page, you can view the version information, references, where used and IronCAD Properties (on IronCAD documents).