Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

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Synergy Platform Management

Get to know the basics inside and out.

Is the Synergy Platform Secure?

Your designs and files are your most important assets, and we protect them with the highest level of security using the Synergy Platform.

We offer three levels of protection

  • Platform Level - Synergy is Platform independent (currently offered on AWS S3 Platform - see below).
  • User Level – Username/Password
  • Role Based – controlled access

Our platform is using Amazon Web Service S3 infrastructure that is a highly durable storage infrastructure designed for mission-critical and primary data storage. Objects are redundantly stored on multiple devices across multiple facilities in an Amazon S3 Region. Amazon S3 maintains their durability by quickly detecting and repairing any lost redundancy.

  • Backed with the Amazon S3 Service Level Agreement
  • Designed to provide 99.999999999% durability and 99.99% availability over 12 months
  • Designed to sustain the concurrent loss of data in two facilities

Amazon S3 further protects your data using versioning to preserve, retrieve, and restore every version of every object that is stored. you can easily recover from both unintended user actions and application failures.

By default, requests retrieve the most recently written version. You can retrieve older versions of an object by specifying a version of the object in a request.

How much data is in the Synergy Platform base account?

Up to 10GB of Data storage per company is included with your base Synergy Platform company account. Additional storage can be purchased through your local reseller.

How do I register my company account?

    For detailed information visit, How to create a user account.

    Basic steps for registering a company and administrator users:

    • Click on Sign Up on the login page of the Synergy Platform site.
    • Fill in the Company and User Information for the main account holder.
    • Click Submit.

    Once the account information is received and reviewed by IronCAD, an email to the user will be sent stating the account has been created.

    Is Synergy Platform free to IronCAD users?

    The Synergy Platform is initially free to IronCAD users on current AA/SS support contracts. Starting July 2022, user accounts will need to be purchased. IronCAD AA/SS supported users will receive a discount from the standard price of user clients.

    How do I change my password?
    • Login to the Synergy Site.
    • Go to the Profile page by selecting Menu → Username → Profile.
    • On the Profile page, click RESET PASSWORD button.
    • On the Rest Password page, enter New password and Confirm Password.
    • Click the RESET button.

    What can I do if I forgot my password?

    You can reset your password by those steps.

    • Go to the Synergy site.
    • Click Forgot Password link on the Login page.
    • Enter your email.
    Synergy Forgot Password Screen
    • Click the Reset Password button.
    • An email will be sent to you with your new password.
    • You can change your password after you login.

    How can I setup my user account?

    You need to ask the administrator of your company to set up your account.  You will receive an email after the account is set up.  Clicking the link in the email will bring you to the web page so you can login with the credential contained in the email.

    For more details on the process, once the email link has been provided, the step-by-step article is available here: How To Set Up An Account on Synergy

    Using Synergy Vault

    Understanding the basics of the Managed vault.

    Can you add any type of file to Synergy Vault to manage Check-in/out?

    Yes. All document types are supported. IronCAD users however have a dedicated client to support check-in/out and add directly from the IronCAD application that will also automatically establish external references associations in Synergy Vault. For other types of documents, you can manually add reference links from the "Details" page on the documents.

    Does Synergy Vault Manage IronCAD External Linked File Relationships?

    Yes. IronCAD users have a dedicated client to support check-in/out and add directly from the IronCAD application that will automatically establish external references associations in Synergy Vault. For other types of documents, you can manually add reference links from the "Details" page on the documents. For example, you can create a reference link between word documents if you like.

    Can I keep versions and revisions of documents in Synergy?

    Yes. Synergy Vault tracks versions and revisions of your documents. From the details page on a document, you can see all versions/revisions of files and access past versions/revisions.

    How do I install/activate the Synergy Client for IronCAD?

    Prior to the IronCAD 2022 release, you can download the latest Hotfix Installation located on for IronCAD 2021 Product Update 1. Once installed, you will see the Synergy Click in the Add-Ins ribbon bar in IronCAD. You can also enable the Synergy Client toolbar if you would like to dock the client toolbar in the IronCAD interface.

    What are Managed Documents?

    Managed documents are used in the Synergy Vault for versioned or revisioned files. Typically this is called Document Management file types where you control revisions, properties, access permissions, and reference links on documents. For more details, visit the Managing Document knowledge base article.

    Using Synergy for Collaboration

    Understanding how to collaborate and configure with Synergy.

    Can I add any document to the Unmanaged documents to collaborate with?

    Yes. The Synergy platform can support any document type to add to the Unmanaged Documents. View options may not be available for some types.

    What are Unmanaged Documents?

    Unmanaged documents of the Synergy Platform are where documents are added for collaboration. These files are not versioned/revisioned like Managed Documents in Synergy Vault. Unmanaged documents can be added to public, private, and company folders for sharing and collaboration. Any type of document can be added however there are additional capabilities with IronCAD document types.

    How can I request access to the Synergy Web Configurator service?

    You must contact IronCAD to request access to the Service. An easy way to do this is to use the Notification:

    • Login to the Synergy Site.
    • Go to top Menu and select Notifications → Send one Now.
    • Send a Notification page shows up.
    • Select Request under Notification Type, then click the Help button to see the explanations for Notification Types.
    • Enter a subject, such as “Request access to Synergy Configurator”.
    • Enter detailed message for the request.
    • Choose the delivery method(s). Email is a good choice to ensure the notification is seen quickly.
    • Click the Send button to submit the request.
    • Check back often to see whether you get access to the Services.
    How do I find the Synergy Web Configurator?

    In order to use the Synergy Configurator, your company must request the access to the Service. Your administrator can then grant you the access right to the Service. After you have the access to the service, the Synergy Configurator can be found under Main Services → Synergy Configurator.

    Note: The Synergy Configurator is an additional cost service that will need to be purchased by the company for the desired number of users for access.

    How can I share a document with co-workers?

    For Unmanaged Documents:

    • Go to Unmanaged Documents Page from the top Menu → Documents → Unmanaged.
    • Select the Company folder on the left or public folders.
    • Click UPLOAD button on the right to upload the file that you would like to share or select and existing document.
    • Notify your co-workers or use automatic notification. Alternatively you can select Share for IronCAD .ICS files to generate a sharable 3D viewer file.

    For Managed Documents:

    • Go to Managed Documents Page from the top Menu → Documents → Managed.
    • Select the desired folder on the left or public.
    • Click UPLOAD button on the right to upload the file that you would like to share or select and existing document.
    • Notify your co-workers or use automatic notification. Alternatively you can select Share for IronCAD .ICS files to generate a sharable 3D viewer file.

    For a more detailed answer, we recommend you read through our article on How To Share Documents.