Managing Documents

Managing Documents

Managed Documents

Manage Documents can be accessed from top bar menu by selecting Documents → Managed. The Managed Documents page is similar to the Unmanaged Documents page. Clicking the New Folder button will create a new folder under the current selected folder. Unmanaged Document button can be used to upload a document to the folder. The document added here cannot handle external references. The View button, which is will open the Document Detail page. It is different from the View button on the Unmanaged Documents page.

Synergy Managed Documents Screen

The Document Detail page list the document properties. Only Description is editable. The dark blue buttons are enabled, and the sky-blue buttons are disabled. There are three tabs at the bottom of the page. Those tabs contain Version list, References, and Where Used information.

These buttons are enabled or disabled according to the user’s access right and document state. The following is a short summary of the buttons available:

  • Download – Download the document to local. It is always enabled.
  • Save – Save the changes. Only Description can be changed.
  • Check Out – Check out the file to local. It is similar to the Download button. It is disabled if the file is already checked out.
  • Check In – Check in the checked-out file. It is similar to the Upload function from the Unmanaged Documents page. It is disabled if the file is not checked-out.
  • Undo Check Out – Undo the previous check out operation. It is disabled if the file is not checked-out.
  • Delete – Delete the file.
Synergy Document Details Screen

Working with External References

If you add CAD documents to the cloud through the Document Management page, there is no way for the web client to determine the external references for the document, so the external reference needs to be set up manually. While on the Document Detail page, scroll down to the bottom of the page and you will see three tabs: Versions, References, and Where Used. The Reference tab is used to manage the external references for the document. You can add, edit, and delete a reference.

After the Add or Edit button is clicked, the Reference editing dialog will pop up to allow the user to choose the document to be linked to the current document. It is very similar to the reference tab in the IRONCAD Client.

  • Linking Document - Main Document
  • Linked Document - Externally linked part
  • Reference Type - Selections include External, Lightweight, Viewable, Image, or Attachment
  • Bi-Directional - Checkbox for indication
  • Folder or File Name - File location within Managed Documents, with icon showing to the right
  • Pick - Selection of file/folders referenced
  • Back - Go back one folder during the Pick process
  • Reset - Start over during the Pick process

Limitations of Managed Document

There are some limitations on what you can do on the web for Managed Documents. Since the web browser cannot determine the external references for IRONCAD files, we strongly suggest that you use the IRONCAD client for Managed Document functionalities.