Managing Roles and Rights

Managing Roles and Rights

Manage Roles

The administrator can access Roles Page by clicking on Menu Username → Manage Roles. On the Manage Roles Page, the administrator can do the following:

Add a New Role:

  • Click the Add New button to add new role
  • Enter the title of the new role
  • Check the checkbox to add the Rights to the role (more on Rights below)
  • Click the Save button when done or click the Cancel button to quit without save
  • Once Saved or Cancelled, the admin will be redirected back to Manage Roles Page

Edit an Existing Role:

  • Click the Edit icon next to a role to perform edits
  • Changes can now be made to the Role Name or Rights
  • Click the Save button when done or click the Cancel button to quit without save
  • Once Saved or Cancelled, the admin will be redirected back to Manage Roles Page

Assigning Rights to a Role:

A role can contain one or more pre-defined access Rights. When editing a Role, the admin can associate Rights to the role by checking individual Rights. Below are some General Practices for Assigning Rights:

  • If you assign Admin right to a role, you do not need to add any other rights because Admin includes everything.
  • For engineers who work on CAD files, the role should contain Edit Rights. For example, Folder Editor, File Editor, Catalog Editor, Catalog User, Managed Documents User and Service User.
  • The Public folders are open to all users so be careful to give users rights to upload files to the public folders.
  • Some rights are overlapping, for example, File Editor can view files.
  • Some rights may not be currently in use, which will be shown by check marks, but can come available in the future such as license users.

Here is a quick summary of the Rights and their definitions:

  • Admin – Administrator. It includes all access Rights.
  • Auditor – Contains view rights to all the objects.
  • User Manager – Can manage the users.
  • User Viewer – Can view the users.
  • Role Manager – Can manage the roles.
  • Role Viewer – Can view the roles.
  • Folder Editor – Can edit the shared folders.
  • Folder Viewer – Can view the shared folders.
  • File Editor – Can add/edit shared files.
  • File Viewer – Can view shared files.
  • Catalog Editor – Can Add/Modify catalog files.
  • Catalog User – Can use catalog files.
  • Catalog Viewer – Can view catalog files.
  • DM User – Can use Document Management.
  • DM Viewer – Can Viewer managed documents.
  • Service Manager – Can manage services.
  • Service User – Can use services such as WebConfigurator.
  • Service Viewer – Can view the services.
  • License Manager – Can Manage licenses, reserved.
  • License User – Can use licenses, reserved.
  • License Viewer – Can view licenses, reserved.
  • Public Folder Editor – Can edit public folders(Upload files).
  • Public Folder Viewer – Can view public folders.