Managing Users Accounts in Synergy

Managing Users Accounts in Synergy

Managing Users

The administrator can access the Manage Users Page by going to Menu Users → Manage Users.

Manage Users Screen

On the Manage Users Page, the administrator can do the following:

Add a New User:

  • Click the Add New button to add a new user.
  • Once on the User Profile screen, enter the new user's information into the form.
  • Assign the desired Admin Rights to the user (Admin is used for the Company Admin that created the account and has full rights, Company user are users of your company, and Collaboration users are users that may be outside of your company that are allowed access for collaboration. Site and System Admin are not used today as the system is managed by IronCAD).
  • Check the checkbox to assign roles to the user on the bottom of the form.
  • Click the Save button when done or click the Back button to quit without save.
  • The Admin will be rerouted back to Users Page.

Edit a Current User:

Synergy Manage Users Screen with Edit Icon Highlighted
  • Click the Edit Icon to adjust settings on a user.
  • Once on the User Profile screen, edit the user's information including Email, Rights, Status, and Roles.
  • Please note this page is also where a user's password reset can be requested.
  • Click the Save button when done or click the Back button to quit without save.
  • The Admin will be rerouted back to Users Page.