IRONCAD Client Show Document

IRONCAD Client Show Document

Show Documents

From within the IRONCAD client, the Show Documents command is used to open the Documents form and is where all document operations can be performed. The toolbar in the upper left has the following commands:

  • Refresh – Refresh the form. Get updated data from the cloud.
  • New Folder – Create a new folder under the current selected folder.
  • Save – Save the new document to the cloud(Add).
  • Check In – Check in the selected document.
  • Check Out – Check out the selected document.
  • Undo Check Out – Cancel the checkout of the selected document. It only applies to the selected document and does not affected external references.
  • View – View the selected document.
  • Exit – Close the form.

The screen is divided into 3 main panels:

  • The left panel is the Folder Tree.
  • The top right is the Document List.
  • The bottom right is the Document Detail panel.

Folder Tree

The left panel of the form contains the Folder Tree. The root folder is the company name and cannot have documents added directly.

Add a new Folder

  • Select the parent folder.
  • Click the New Folder toolbar, the add folder dialog pops up
  • Enter the folder name and description.
  • Click the Save button.

Document List

When a folder on the Folder Tree is selected, the documents in the folder will be displayed in the Document List panel.

Document Detail

When a document is selected from the Document List, the detailed document information will be displayed on the Document Detail panel. The only field can be changed by the user is the description. The following is a small summary of some commands available and their functions:

  • Update – The Update button will save the description to the cloud.
  • Versions Tab – It contains the version history of the document.
  • Reference Tab – It contain the external references of the document. The references are displayed in tree form. There are 3 buttons on the tab.

When either the Add Link or Edit button is clicked, the Reference dialog will pop up to allow the user to add or change the reference.

  • Add Link – Add a new external reference to this document.
  • Edit – Modify the current reference. Only works when a reference is selected.
  • Go To – Find the referenced document and go to that document. Only works when a reference is selected.
  • Link Document – The main document, read only.
  • Bi-Directional – The reference going for both ways, usually used between ICD and ICS files.
  • Type – Dropdown box to select Reference Type, usually External.
  • Linked Document – The external reference document, read only. It can be changed through the selection in the file list below.
  • Path - the path of the selected document, available in read only.
  • Document List – list of folders and documents to be selected. The folders are marked with a checked box.
  • Pick button – Pick selected folder or document. If a folder is picked, the list will be updated the contents in that folder. If a document is selected, the document is selected to be external reference document.
  • Back button – Go back to one folder.
  • Restart button – Re-start the folder contents from the top-level folders.
  • Save button – Save the change and close the dialog.
  • Delete button – Delete this reference. Note: The user should not delete any references created by system. It will be added again the next time the document is checked in.
  • Cancel button – Cancel the action without saving and close the dialog.

Where Used Tab – It contains the Where Used information for the document. There is only one level and they cannot be changed. The Go to button is same as the Go To button for References Tab.