Sharing Documents

Sharing Documents

Unmanaged Documents

After login, the user can go to the Unmanaged Documents Page by selecting from the top bar men Documents → Unmanaged. On the Unmanaged Documents Page, the user will see the folder list on the left and file list on the right when a folder on the left is selected. There will be three folders from the company (Public, Company, and Private folders) and all public folders from other companies which contain files.

Synergy Unmanaged Documents Screen

From here, the user can then do the following:

  • Upload files to the selected folder. If the Upload button not showing, the user does not have permissions to upload any file to the folder. Currently only Administrators can upload file. The users have access to Services can upload Web Configurator files.
  • Download File from the selected folder. Only Administrators can download files at the moment.
  • If the file is a viewable file (.3JS and .zip), the user can click the View button to open file in ICWebViewer to view it.
IC Web Viewer Cynlinder
  • If the file is Web Configurator file, the user can click the Open button to edit it in Wen Configurator if the user has right to the Web Configurator Service.
IC Web Configurator showing Small Assembly
  • Currently all Download and Upload functions are performed here. In the future, they may be done inside of IRONCAD.
  • Files can be deleted by selecting files, checking the checkboxes, and then click the Delete button.

Catalog Files

The catalog files are separated from other files. The user can access the Catalogs Page by selecting from the top menu Unmanaged Documents then clicking the Catalog folder in the left side menu. Currently there is only one folder for each company. The files in the folder are shared within the company.

Synergy Catalogs Screen

When on the Catalogs page:

  • Upload catalog files to the folder. Currently only Administrators can upload files.
  • Download the catalog file by clicking the Download button.
  • Set the catalog files to be the user’s default catalog files. It allows multiple selection.
  • The default catalogs are loaded automatically in the applications. There is only one application, Web Configurator, currently.
  • The catalog files can be deleted by selecting files by checking the checkboxes and then click the Delete button.