Synergy Configurator Basics

Synergy Configurator Basics

Synergy Configurator

The Web Configurator can be started in two different ways. The first is by selecting Services → Synergy Configurator. This will start up the configurator with the user’s default catalogs. The other method would be starting the configurator by going into the documents view, finding an .iccs file and clicking open. Clicking open will open the web configurator and preload in both the default catalogs as well as the .iccs file.

Side Menu Options:

  • New – Clear the workspace and start a new configuration.
  • Catalogs – Open a catalog file from local or server.
  • Open – Open a configuration file from local or server.
  • Save – Save the current configuration to a file (local or server).
  • Annotate – Add a new annotation.
  • Controls – Select a rectangle to display or fit to window.
  • View – Select a viewing angle.
  • Shading – Select a display mode (Edge, No Edge, and Wire Frame).
  • Settings – Change settings.
  • Quote – Show BOM table with prices.
  • Triball – Show/Hide TriBall on the selected part.
  • Measurement – Create a measurement between features

Creating Configuration

To begin creating a configuration, the user can use the loaded catalogs to drag and drop catalog items much like IronCAD. By dragging an item out into the scene, a green outline of the object will be displayed and will show visually where all pieces will go within the scene. The exception to this is the first piece which will always be located at the origin.

Following the first piece, additional objects can be dragged out and either be configured to the original object through the use of attachment points, or be placed within the 3d space using the outlined display.

Open Catalogs

With Catalogs button, the user will see every catalog that is attributed to their account currently, this will also include the defaulted catalogs. The user can also open catalog from the local folder.

Open File

With Open button, the users will see every .iccs file that they have access to. This includes the files on the local computer.

Save File

With Save button, the user will save the file to every folder that they have write access to. This includes the local folders.